spacePC MAX

WEB Design, (and other) Resources

Misc. Stuff You Should Know

This is the best news letter for anyone interested in Computer hints and tips. Just click on the link to subscribe. It's FREE and SPAM FREE too.

The menu system on this site was designed with DHTMLMenu by Sothink

These WEB pages were designed using Macromedia Dreamweaver 8. It allowed us to make certain there were no dead links site-wide, no browser compatibility issues site-wide and validated all the pages site-wide to make certain there were no code errors. The result is that all the pages on this site are designed in accordance with specifications established by the World Wide WEB Consortium and therefore can be viewed as intended by any browser (Java enabled).

My link-back information comes from a program called Link Popularity Check by Axandra. You can download this free software from The LPC site.

Top notch articles that mention some of the same things I've discussed on this site:.
Importance of Meta Information ::: The A-to-Z of Getting WEB site Traffic ::: Maintain and Market a Site ::: Finer Points of SEO. Some of those pages provide access to other tools you may find interesting

Here is a properly formatted site Apptools
These are Google's Submission Guidelines.
Meta Tag primer. For good search engine optimizing
A well designed site that meets standards discussed on this site Bruce Clay.

One of the best, (most objective), PC magazines available today, Maximum PC
A site I designed Lou's Photo Journal.
A site I optimized for the search engines Presenting Atlanta

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